
Culture and environment

  • The Metauro Valley
    Hypermedia project on the natural and anthropical aspects of the Metauro valley.
    Can be consulted either by Territory (Municipalities, Itineraries, Areas of naturalistic interest) or by Subject (Archaeology and history, Fauna, Flora, Architectural sites, Sea and river interventions, Earth Science, Astronomical sites, Historical accounts of the fauna along coastal areas, Naturalist centres, anthropography, traditional cuisine).

  • The Cesano Valley
    Hypermedia project created as part of the intensive post-graduate course Multimedia Technologies for the safeguarding and evaluation of cultural and environmental heritage, commissioned by the University of Urbino, for which SIMULA provided the organisation and a large part of the teaching.

The Cesano Valley

  • Fano Cathedral
    Hypermedia project on Fano Cathedral, its sculptures and medieval structure.
    Furthermore, the CDROM contains a photographic itinerary and virtual views of the inside and outside of the Cathedral today.

Fano Cathedral